The Business, Entrepreneurship and Management Department Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vitae enim nec urna hendrerit maximus ac ac orci. Quisque non nibh ut metus congue pharetra quis a enim. Cras id finibus felis, quis aliquet metus. Quisque quis elit tempor, viverra tortor ac, tincidunt risus. Proin facilisis eu nisi vel egestas. Praesent sollicitudin velit augue, a posuere metus eleifend sit amet. Sed euismod dapibus dapibus. Integer sit amet imperdiet orci. Vestibulum vitae tempus lectus, ac feugiat eros. Nunc nec est lacus. Donec eu pellentesque magna. Integer et diam pellentesque, tincidunt mi nec, laoreet ipsum. Praesent nec ante sed urna convallis ultricies. In tempor in urna sed consectetur. Proin at justo diam. In tortor ipsum, pellentesque ac dolor at, mollis gravida ligula.


  • To produce competent, technically skilled and highly competitive graduates capable of leading and pursuing business responsive to the needs of the society.
  • To enhance professional expertise in instruction, research, extension, and production.
  • To pursue sustainable linkages with community through the provision of consultancy and other services.
  • To sustain an enterprise managed by students.


  • To train and develop students in accordance with quality academic standards.
  • To operationalize and enhance faculty development program.
  • To build strong linkages with the community where expertise is freely shared.
  • To establish and sustain income-generating projects for the college.
  • To encourage the production of scholarly instructional materials as a source of stable financial resources.


  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA)
  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship (BSE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Marketing (BSM)
  • Bachelor of Science in Office Administration (BSOA)